Financial Hardship
We understand that anyone can experience financial problems. Life can take unexpected turns that sometimes make it difficult for you to maintain your repayments. Whether its illness, loss of employment, a relationship breakdown or something else, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your change in circumstances.
When we become aware of your situation, we will assess your circumstances on a case by case basis to see what arrangements or options may be suitable for you.
What you can expect from the process.
When you contact the Financial Hardship team, they’ll ask you a number of questions relating to your current financial status and may potentially ask you for any further supporting documentation.
To ensure we can assist in the most appropriate way possible, it’s important that you are open and honest in relation to your current financial circumstances.
Financial difficulty can be a tough time, but it is manageable. We will always strive and work together to find a solution that suits you.
Get in contact with the Rate Money Customer Service team today to ensure you’re not left feeling the pinch any more than you should.
Our Rate Money support team can be contacted via email at